About this Event
The Bentley Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Center (BSLCE) and the Indigenous Education Steering Committee are hosting a screening of the award-winning documentary Dawnland on Wednesday, October 30th from 2:00 - 3:20 p.m. in the Social Justice Lounge, Morison 101. Dawnland captures the nation’s first truth and reconciliation commission, uncovering the intergenerational harm done to the Wabanaki community by the Maine Child Welfare system:
“In Maine, a historic investigation—the first government-sanctioned truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) in the United States—begins a bold journey. For over two years, Native and non-Native commissioners travel across Maine. They gather testimony and bear witness to the devastating impact of the state’s child welfare practices on families in Maliseet, Micmac, Passamaquoddy and Penobscot tribal communities. Collectively, these tribes make up the Wabanaki people.” (https://dawnland.org/synopsis/
If you would like to join for Dawnland, please fill out the sign-up sheet here. or by using the QR code on the flier (below and attached). Please note that the Social Justice Lounge is a small space designed for intimate and thoughtful conversation on DEIJ issues, and thus space is quite limited. Sign up quickly to reserve your spot. Those who have secured a spot will receive an email confirmation. Also note that this screening will be followed by Dr. Bruce Duthu, a producer of Dawnland, joining us later in the semester at Bentley to discuss this impactful film. If you are a faculty member who would like to provide this as an extra credit opportunity, please contact Dr. Samantha Eddy (seddy@bentley.edu).