Bentley University

175 Forest Street


***Co-sponsored by Bentley's Office of Sustainability***

Girlhood (2014-France-113 min.) directed by Céline Sciamma

Marieme (Karidja Toure) lives with her mother, sisters and brother in a tower block in the outer suburbs of Paris. Early on, we see Marieme talking to a teacher. She's telling Marieme that her grades aren't good enough for high school. Marieme starts to demur but holds back – it's as if she's realized there's no point in explaining or protesting: in the teacher's world, she scarcely exists. Amid prohibitions and lack of choices, there seems to be another way, something enabling and exhilarating. She is taken up by a gang of three girls, headed by the charismatic Lady (Assa Sylla​). There's room for a fourth, it turns out, and Marieme is reborn as Vic, a name on a chain that Lady gives her. Lady is protective and assertive. They exude confidence, yet sometimes are forced to acknowledge their own second-class status; they are often defined and constrained by the attitudes of their male counterparts, the young men of their own age, their brothers and their fathers. Sciamma’s primary focus is female characters, but she's also interested in shifting notions of identity.


Bentley’s Spring 2025 International Film Series is made possible with generous support from the Department of Global Studies, the Department of English and Media Studies, the Valente Center for the Arts & Sciences, the Bentley Library, the Office of Sustainability, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Film and Media Studies Lab, the Academic Technology Center, Bentley’s African Student Association, and the Bentley Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Center.

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